FutureBoards Cross Border Dialogue - Singapore
In collaboration with Norwegian Embassies, FutureBoards invites corporate decision makers to take part in Cross Border Dialogues to exchange thoughts and views on how to compose competent, diverse and gender balanced boards.
Ny i styret - hva nå?
Styret er selskapets øverste beslutningsorgan. Er du et fremtidig styremedlem, eller er du ny i styrerommet? Dette kurset gir deg grunnleggende kunnskap om styrets rolle og ansvar og hva som kjennetegner et godt og verdiskapende styrearbeid.
Schibsted/Shifter og FutureBoards inviterer til kurs som vil gi innsikt i og kunnskap om aktuelle praktiske, juridiske og økonomiske aspekter ved styrets arbeid, som gjør deltakerne bedre rustet til å ta gode strategiske beslutninger. Kurset gjennomføres med en kombinasjon av foredrag, case/erfaringsutveksling og gruppearbeid.
Styrets rolle og ansvar – juridisk rammeverk og anbefalinger for god eierstyring
Rolleforståelse – samarbeid mellom styre, ledelse og organisasjon
Prosess, logistikk og dynamikk i styrearbeidet
Passer for: Potensielle styrekandidater, ferske styremedlemmer, styresekretærer og andre som samhandler med/rapporterer til styret i virksomheten, samt styremedlemmer som vil ‘friske opp’ sin styrekompetanse.
Umami Leadership Conference
Navigating uncertainty
The food and beverage industry finds itself at the intersection of climate change, food waste and food insecurity, growing threats to global food systems, and supply chain challenges, alongside changing consumer trends which will impact and shape the future of food. These complex vulnerabilities need a deeper understanding in order to find new solutions and ways forward. And leaders need inspiration, fresh ideas and brave insights and powerful tools, to navigate these shifting landscapes.
ESG for Boards Module 1 &2
ESG for Boards is a competence program for board directors and top managers on how the ESG-agenda affects the boards’ role, composition and work processes.
By completing the program, you will receive an ESG competence certificate issued by DNV, one of the world’s leading certification, assurance and risk management providers.
Companies with a minimum of 40% ESG certified board directors will receive a company ESG certificate.
Module 1&2 will cover ‘Developing an ESG-based strategy’:
Setting the scene - ESG in brief
Megatrends and new challenges for boards
Regulations and recommendations
Investor expectations
Stakeholder capitalism
A purpose-driven strategy
and ‘Building an ESG competent board’:
Skills and mindsets required in the 21st century board-rooms
EU Green Deal/Sustainable Corporate Governance
What nomination committees are looking for
Chair of the future
Board – Management collaboration
ESG for Boards Module 3
ESG for Boards is a competence program for board directors and top managers on how the ESG-agenda affects the boards’ role, composition and work processes.
By completing the program, you will receive an ESG competence certificate issued by DNV, one of the world’s leading certification, assurance and risk management providers.
Companies with a minimum of 40% ESG certified board directors will receive a company ESG certificate.
Module 3 will cover Board responsibility and accountability – a global and national perspective
Board Matters – What’s on top of the agenda
Reporting standards and frameworks: CSRD /EFRS/ISSB
The Global Comprehensive Reporting System
Securing comparable and verifiable reporting/Preparing for Assurance
What board directors should be aware of when preparing for the 2025 annual report:
· ESG reporting landscape, principles and the governance requirements.
· ESRS Environmental standards and implementation.
· ESRS Social standards and the Norwegian Transparency Act
Good Governance Academy - 12th colloquium
About the event
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ESG for Boards Module 3
About the event
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus at pharetra turpis. Donec iaculis tincidunt cursus. Ut suscipit augue sed gravida ultricies. Nulla sed fringilla purus.
Topplederdebatten Arendalsuka
About the event
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus at pharetra turpis. Donec iaculis tincidunt cursus. Ut suscipit augue sed gravida ultricies. Nulla sed fringilla purus.