Our services
We organize and host conferences and seminars, providing board advisory services and training programs. Additionally, we engage in public discourse through speeches, articles and recommendations on best practices.
Read more about what we provide, and visit our calendar for an overview of upcoming events.
Board Competence
Our training sessions and work-shops focus on how the sustainability agenda affects the role, composition and work-processes of the Board of Directors. This includes perspectives from investor communities, regulators and academic societies.
ESG for Boards Competency program
In collaboration with DNV and EY, FutureBoards has developed and delivers the ESG for Boards Competency program. By completing the Three online modules, you will receive the ESG for Boards Competent certificate from DNV, one of the world’s largest assurance companies.For more information and to sign up for the upcoming modules click here
The key to the boardroom
The key to the boardroom is a half day work-shop to help secure your first (or next) board mandate. The session includes a brief overview of the board director’s role and responsibility, and walks you through the process of defining why and to what you would contribute at the boardroom table, and ultimately developing your personal plan to secure your seat.Please click here (link til mail?) to register your interest.
Company specific training sessions
We tailor make company specific training sessions and work-shops to strengthen your board’s competence on topics such as board composition, board/management collaboration, the role of the chair.
Cross Border Dialogues
In collaboration with Norwegian Embassies, FutureBoards invites corporate decision makers to take part in Cross Border Dialogues to exchange thoughts and views on how to even the gender balance on boards and in top management teams. The overarching theme for the dialogues are now shifting towards all dimensions of board diversity.
So far, the FutureBoards Cross-Border Dialogues have been organized in collaboration with and hosted by Royal Norwegian Embassies in Brussels, London, Kuala Lumpur, Yangon, Abu Dhabi and Singapore, as well as the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Mumbai and Shanghai. FutureBoards also co-created the launch event of Women on Boards – Jordan, which was supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Amman.
To create a cross-border context, we always partner up with local organizations, and we are proud to see that the events attract high-level male and female attendees who are passionate about the topic.
Please see calendar for upcoming seminars.
FutureBoards’ founder and CEO Turid Elisabeth Solvang is a renowned speaker on corporate governance related topics, including gender balance on boards. Speeches are in English or in Norwegian
Previous speeches includes:
Megatrends and new challenges for boards, ESG for Boards webinar, 16 October 2024
What’s up in the world of [women on] boards, WISTA seminar, Oslo 8 November 2023
Global Trends and Regulations, Women@Google Oslo, 14 December 2023
The E, the S and the G – Global trends and regulations, Norway Asia Business Summit, Bangkok, 30 November 2023
Styrerikets tilstand, DN CEO 100, Dagens Næringsliv 10. mai 2023
Get in touch if you would like to invite Turid E. Solvang to speak at your conference or seminar.
Board Composition
Both institutional investors and regulators are pushing for more diverse boardrooms but progress is slow. Whether legislated or not, gender balance on boards is crucial for any company that wants to thrive in the future. Don’t hesitate to get in touch to secure that your board is both competent AND diverse!
FutureBoards work with several recruitment professionals to secure a systematic and structured nomination process.
Our role is to chair the nomination committee in close collaboration with the company's shareholders, board members and management, and it will include these steps:
Goals and strategies for the board period: What are the big issues, opportunities and challenges?
Board evaluation. What competence does the board have today? What are the ways of working? What is the culture in the boardroom?
Designing a candidate profile based on the previous bullet points.
Screening/interview with candidates
After board election: 'Onboarding'
Contact Turid E. Solvang, CEO FutureBoards AS for more information

“ We have moved away from the plague of short-term profit of any cost,
to sustainable capitalism ”
Professor Mervyn E. King, Patron Good Governance Academy