We invite experts and practitioners from the world of investors, business, politics/regulators, academics, and other stakeholders within the corporate governance eco-system to take a global perspective on the future role, composition and work processes of boards. In doing this we ensure long term value creation for shareholders and the society at large.
In our calendar you will find a list of our upcoming events. Get in touch if you are interested in tailor-made content for company specific projects, work-shops, seminars and conferences.
Upcoming events
Past events
ESG for Boards
In collaboration with DNV and EY, FutureBoards has developed and delivers the ESG for Boards Competency program. By completing the Three online modules, you will receive the ESG for Boards Competent certificate from DNV, one of the world’s largest assurance companies. For more information and to sign up for the upcoming modules click here
Cross Border Dialogue
In collaboration with Norwegian Embassies, FutureBoards invites corporate decision makers to take part in Cross Border Dialogues to exchange thoughts and views on how to even the gender balance on boards and in top management teams. The overarching theme for the dialogues are now shifting towards all dimensions of board diversity.
Arendalsuka (In Norwegian only)
Topplederdebatten arrangeres av E24 og FutureBoards i forbindelse med Arendalsuka. Formålet er å sette fokus på topplederes og styremedlemmers rolle og ansvar for å bidra til bærekraftig verdiskaping. Hvem er de, hvorfor har de den posisjonen/vervet de har, hvilke holdninger og verdier trenger vi i toppetasjene i næringslivet?
Onsdag 13. august 2025 arrangerer vi Topplederdebatten for 7. gang. Ta kontakt dersom du ønsker å bli med som partner for arrangementet.
Vi arrangerer også egne debatter i samarbeid med partnere, slik som Nobels Fredssenter og Rafto-stiftelsen i 2022, og i samarbeid med DNV i 2024. Ta kontakt dersom du ønsker å diskutere muligheten for et samarbeid.
I tillegg deltar vår CEO Turid Solvang gjerne som paneldeltaker i styrerelaterte debatter.
Partner events
The FutureBoards Community includes a number of distinguished partners, such as the Good Governance Academy, Boards Impact Forum and European Women on Boards. Please see respective websites for more information on their activities.