Building Sustainable Boards
Businesses play a crucial role to save the planet. We ensure corporate board directors are on board, by providing insight, professional development, networking and knowledge sharing.
FutureBoards is an independent global network of corporate governance experts and practitioners. Our purpose is to support board directors to ensure long-term value creation for shareholders as well as the wider stakeholder groups.
Enabling long-term value creation
We organize and host conferences and seminars, providing board advisory services and training programs. Additionally, we engage in public discourse through speeches, articles and recommendations on best practices.
Exchanging knowledge and experience
We invite fresh thinkers, global voices and innovators from the worlds of business, finance, politics, academia, and other stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experience, thoughts and ideas on how to make companies more successful and sustainable for all.

“ None of us is an owner of the planet ”
Professor Mervyn E. King, Patron Good Governance Academy